Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My "Graduation"

Last - October 3, 2010 was more than any graduations i had - elementary, high school, college and the graduate school. My 19th annotation graduation was like a preparation for the rest of my life.

Fr. Frank told me meetings before the ending that we will have the one-on- one mass. I haven't experienced such. It filled me with excitement and a little of anxiety since he asked me to do the homily with him. Charing...unsaon man na oi...na hala chikka na lang.

Though Fr. Frank insisted that i would have such a simple celebration...yes po obey beauty ko hehe...i want it simple din but then thematic charing...so the theme that i attached to this day was "SHARING GOD'S IMMENSE LOVE WITH OTHERS".

- The "Graduation" Uniform ...hahahha lingaw ko

- this was my gift to Fr. Frank...kunting pasasalamat for journeying with me -

The following were my preparations :

1. bought some red shirts to be used for my special day
2. made special designs for the shirts that would be worn for the day
3. Prepared special gifts for fr. Frank
4. Prepared for the food
5. Prepared for my homily (whaaaaaaaahhh kigulbaan ko ani da)

Gay, my younger sister brought with her the entire family - husband Dennis, girl2 and Anton. And as my friend Loling called up early morning of Sunday to check on my whereabouts... was held captive and "victim"....hahahha that was our private (now no more) joke.

During homily, Fr Frank stressed on staying faithful and the continuous stirring of God in my life so that there will be more things to come out ...from God's generosity being bestowed to my humanity (bitaw ako na nag sumpay char char aning humanity hahahahha).

At my end, i focused my sharing on being overwhelmed by the innumerable graces and blessings that God accorded to me during the 19th annotation, my gratefulness to God for Fr. Frank's inspiration and guidance, gratefulness to family and friends, etc. (actually i prepared such a lengthy homily but ended up being overwhelmed again and decided to settle with the things i stated).

To close, i presented the song "Glowing Inside" with the following lyrics read to Jesus and Fr. Frank :

Happy, to let you know
You make me glow
I feel so good, it's true
So glad that I have you
You love me so
Now all is bright

I'll always thank you for the glow
And thank you for the joy
Thank you for the love you give to me
I'm glowing, glowing inside
With your love shining through
Thank you for everything you do
I'm glowing inside because of you

Remember, my growing years
They're filled with joy
Because you're there for me
You cast my fears away
You wipe those tears
You gave me strength each day

I thank you for the glow
And thank you for the joy
Thank you for the love you give to me
I'm always glowing inside
With your love shining through
Thank you for everything you do
I'm glowing inside because of you

Who knows of what tomorrow brings
My glowing wings can make me fly
I'll reach and now I touch the sky
Because of you I'll sore up high
So I must

Thank you for the glow
And thank you for the joy
Thank you for the love you give to me
I'm glowing, glowing inside
With your love shining through
Thank you for everything you do
I'm glowing inside because of you

....Well that was how it was with me in this journey with Jesus and my SD...
Thanks to you My Lord for sending Fr. Frank...I look forward to working with You in this mission of making You visible in this world as the prayer that I and Fr. Frank composed says :

Lord our God, we come to You in this mission of bringing Your light to the world through this visible sign of hope. We have seen the distress of human condition. If we would allow them to overwhelm us, they might consume our being and, thus, stop living anyway. But our hearts are telling us that there are things we can do to be Your "hand" in the world. Make us Your channel of hope. Prepare our hearts so that we may become Your instrument, Your walking presence. And ultimately, may our lives be the message itself that You are bringing in this ailing world. All for Your glory here on earth. Amen.


  1. My honey just missed the fun...he had his separate seminar...and went home Bukid huhuhuhu

  2. I can feel happiness, gratefulness and glowingness (i know no such word, but allow me) after I've read your blog entry.

    I envy you (Ibog kaayu) for having done the 19th annotation. I hope I will do the same when I am ready and when Fr Frank is ready for me...hehehe...

    I am glad of how you have brought your relationship with Jesus to the next level. Regards ko ni bro.

    I love you Glendz! mwah...

